王臻,男,1993年出生,博士,校聘副教授。主要从事材料成型教学及科研工作,研究方向主要包括高品质增材制造用金属及其复合粉末制备与应用、金属及其复合材料的增材制造与应用。以第一/通讯作者在《Rare Metals》、《Applied Surface Science》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文十余篇。
2019/09–2023/06 中南大学,材料学专业,博士
2016/09–2019/06 中南大学,生物医学工程专业,硕士
2012/09–2016/06 福建理工大学,电气工程及其自动化专业,学士
2024/10–至今 北京科技大学/金诚信矿业管理股份有限公司,博士后(导师:毛新平院士/曾宪涛教授)
2023/06–至今 必赢766net手机版,专任教师
1. 同质/异质材料的连接;
2. 高品质粉末及复合粉末的设计与制备;
3. 镍基、铁基及其复合材料的增材制造;
4. 3D 打印设备研。
[1] Sui, Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, J.; Yuan, Q.; Mao, S.; Xu, S.; Liu, J., Strength-ductility balance of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy via additive manufacturing 2024, 30, 1992-2003.
[2] Wang, Z.; Xu S.; Sui Q.; Wang J.; Liu B.; Wen H.; Xiao T.; Liu J., High performance martensitic stainless steel nanocomposite powder for direct energy deposition prepared by ball milling[J]. Rare metals, 2023, 42(7):2419-2432.
[3] Wang, J.; Wang, Z.; Sui, Q.; Xu, S.; Yuan, Q.; Zhang, D.; Liu, J. A Comparison of the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Resistance of the K213 Superalloy after Conventional Casting and Selective Laser Melting. Materials 2023, 16, 1331.
[4] Sui, Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, J.; Xu, S.; Wen, H.; Xiao, T.; Liu, J., Phase evolution and mechanical properties of AlxCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys by directed energy deposition. Materials Characterization 2023, 204, 113217, 1044-5803.
[5] Wen, H.; Wang, Z.; Tan, M.; Sui, Q.; Xu, S.; Mao, S.; Xiao, T.; Liu, J., Rapid vat photopolymerization through a superamphiphobic interface. Virtual and Physical Prototyping 2023, 18, 2255018, 1745-2759.
[6] Wang, Z.; Xu, S.; Sui, Q.; Wang, J.; Wen, H.; Xiao, T.; Yuan, Q.; Liu, J.,Achieving high hardness and wear resistance in phase transition reinforced DC53 die steel by laser additive manufacturing. Surface and Coatings Technology,2023, 462, 129474.
[7] Wang, Z.; Wang, J.; Xu, S.; Liu, B.; Sui, Q.; Zhao, F.; Gong, L.; Liu, J., Influence of powder characteristics on microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 superalloy manufactured by direct energy deposition. Applied Surface Science 2022, 583, 152545, 0169-4332.
[8] Sui, Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, J.; Xu, S.; Liu, B.; Yuan, Q.; Zhao, F.; Gong, L., Liu, J., Additive manufacturing of CoCrFeNiMo eutectic high entropy alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2022, 913, 165239, 0925-8388.
[9] Sui, Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, J.; Xu, S.; Zhao, F.; Gong, L.; Liu, B.; Liu, J.; Liu, G., The microstructure and mechanical properties of the additive manufactured AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2022, 833, 142507, 0921-5093.
[10] Wang, Z.; Tan, M.; Wang, J.; Zeng, J.; Zhao, F.; Xiao, X.; Xu, S.; Liu, B.; Gong, L.; Sui, Q.; Zhang, R.; Han, B.; Liu, J., Core-shell structural iron based metal matrix composite powder for laser cladding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 878, 160127, 0925-8388.
[1]刘军, 王臻, 赵风君, 谭米雪, 逄静静, 刘博, 许淑溶. 一种增减材制造雕刻刀模的方法及其系列3D打印金属粉[P]. 中国专利: 201910515168.9, 2020-3-31.
[2]刘军, 王臻, 谭米雪, 赵风君. 一种用于激光熔覆的复合粉及其制备方法[P]. 中国专利: 201911326194.3, 2021-1-1.
[3]刘军, 王臻. 一种用于观察熔覆过程中微观组织演变的显微装置[P]. 中国专利: 202021940902.0, 2021-4-13.
[4]刘军, 王臻. 一种用于刀模制备的桌面级3D打印设备[P]. 中国专利: 20212137914.2, 2021-11-23.
[5]刘军, 王臻. 一种基于激光熔覆制备高硬度高耐磨刀模的复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 中国专利: 202110792893.8, 2022-3-4.
[6]刘军, 王臻. 一种激光氮化制备高硬度、高强度刀模的方法[P]. 中国专利: 202110417061.8, 2022-6-24.